Thursday, July 2, 2009

Guiding is Pretty Sweet

Guiding is Pretty Sweet

Jun 8, 2009

Melanie King is 16-year-old Member of Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada (GGC). Her Guiding experience has given her the opportunity to meet many different people, take part in a variety of activities, and learn more than she ever imagined.

"Friendships are one of the best parts of Guiding. I met my best friend at a Girl Guide Camp and since then, we obtained our Canada Cord, coordinated a Spark Unit sleepover, slept outside on the grass in a thunderstorm, and volunteered as Junior Leaders! Without Guiding, I would have never met her."

Melanie feels that if she was not involved in Guiding she probably would not have been motivated to try as many new things as she has. Guiding has encouraged her to explore many different directions and she loves learning new things and earning badges. Before Guides, Melanie knew very little about bikes. While earning her cyclist badge, she learned about safety rules, how to properly maintain her bike and fix her chain. Melanie's Pathfinder Unit welcomed a guest speaker, a cyclist, who showed the girls how to change a tire, what to do in situations like an inner tube break and much more.

"I have only been a Ranger for a short time, but I have already learned a lot about different topics, such as healthy relationships, world religions, how to start a campfire in the middle of winter and plan a camp menu and write a resume. Guiding is something I have been brought up in. My ambition is to get as many awards and challenges and discover as much as I possibly can. I enjoy being a Guiding Member because of the amazing people I have met. They are always willing to help out and share the great skills that they have."

Guiding leaders have encouraged and mentored Melanie throughout her 11 years as a Member. "My Guide leader challenged me with tough trivia questions and creative tasks. My Pathfinder leader introduced me to things I had never tried before like canoeing and backpacking. My Ranger leader provided me with a ton of resources and advice. All of my Guiding leaders have mentored me by providing valuable advice and support. They are always there when I need help with a project or when I just need a laugh. The leaders are always fantastic."

Guiding has impacted Melanie's life by being a source for her leadership and public speaking skills. "The Guiding program is so valuable to girls of my age because you learn independence and confidence and leadership. You learn how to dive in and try new things, how to laugh and learn from your mistakes. There are so many different things I discovered. All my leadership skills come from Girl Guides. I have gained the confidence to voice my opinion, run activities, events and camps. I currently participate as a National Task Group member. We are in the process of designing a new website for Pathfinders and Rangers."

Melanie believes that girls are exposed to many stresses that can sabotage their confidence. As Girl Guides of Canada celebrates its 100th anniversary next year, she believes that Guiding helps girls overcome many contemporary challenges.

"Guiding gives girls the confidence to be who they want to be. There are no cliques at our meetings. If we are having problems at school, we vent about it at our meetings. Our leaders offer great suggestions on how to overcome any issue that is bothering us and the girls always provide humorous ways to solve the problems. We are all one big group of friends that support each other through the ups and downs."

Guiding presents girls with fun volunteer opportunities that support their communities. Melanie has planted flowers, worked with meals for Meals on Wheels, and helped a local retirement home with their special events. She explains, "There is so much that you can learn from volunteering, not to mention gaining valuable job skills and references. I get a really positive vibe when I know that I've done something to help, whether I am credited or not, because I know that I did a good thing. I've learned how to work with younger children and take care of the environment."

Melanie believes that there is no one best thing - she gives this analogy: "Guiding is like an ice cream sundae. The bowl represents all the leaders and anyone who has ever participated in Guiding who has shaped GGC into an amazing organization that helps girls accomplish amazing things. The ice cream is all the learned skills and knowledge. Next, you have the variety of fruit which represents your Guiding friends. Some pieces are colourful, some are helpful and provide substance, and some just make you feel good. Then there are sprinkles of Guiding experiences. Each sprinkle is small but together they make lots of great memories."

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